Yoga It’s All About You

It’s All About You!

As we practice our yoga, whether by ourselves or in a class, we want to remember that our practice is for ourselves.  We have our own space . . . our mat . . . and we bring our whole body and mind with us.

Our focus is inward . . . our mind is quiet. And, yes.  It is often easier said than done. That’s why we practice!  

There is no competition

Yogis who come together may be at all different levels. We may watch others to learn, but know that yoga is not a competition. We practice at our own pace.

Your practice is all about you!

 Forget about everything else in your life for a few minutes. Clear your mind and let your troubles go as you come to your mat. Feel your practice as you grow more flexible and breathe more deeply. 

Move at your own pace

We want to stay within our own comfort level. Forget about the “no pain no gain.” We practice yoga at our own pace. With each breath and with each practice, our body will relax more.

Practice for your body and how it feels today.

Practice for your body and how it feels today. Each time we come to our mat, we bring with us everything that is happening within our lives today. One day our body may be very flexible and energized . . . the next time it may not feel as comfortable in some poses. When we listen to our body, we know that we are doing the best for our body today.

Move mindfully both into and out of poses

We move slowly, deliberately and mindfully both into poses and out of poses. We are mindful of our breath moving out of poses. Injuries are move likely to happen moving out of poses because we often feel as if the work is completed and collapse our bodies.

Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself. Be patient. When we begin our yoga practice, we may not be able to move into the full expression of a pose.  Be kind to your body and be patient . . . it will come. 


Consistent practice will help us build strength, flexibility and endurance. As in anything we do, consistent practice will produce the results we desire. Through your consistent yoga practice, you will gain strength, flexibility and endurance you desire.